healthŌme® powered products provide an unprecedented opportunity to engage with your customers on a new level. You’ll experience a new sense of connection and purpose when they tell you the insurance policy you sold them saved their life.
Provide high-value practical
benefits for your customers
5 reasons you should offer cancerŌme®
cancerŌme® is a new type of insurance providing unprecedented value in the fight against cancer.
Help your clients access potentially life-saving treatment.
Differentiate your offering with this unique, first-of-its-kind Life Assurance product.
Long-term client engagement with day one benefits and continually updated resources.
Competitive compensation.
Best-in-class training and support.
Putting your team on a path to success
The old agent experience
✗ Minimal policyholder engagement
✗ Conventional training
✗ Few differentiating characteristics
✗ Commoditized product offering
✗ No influence on health outcomes
✗ Limited product value beyond financial protection
The cancerŌme® agent experience
✓ Strong, long-term policyholder engagement
✓ Access to innovative training and support resources
✓ Strong differentiating product characteristics
✓ Rapid product innovation with cross and upsell opportunities
✓ Potential to improve health outcomes and mortality