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If you’re not on the inside,
you’re out

If you are diagnosed with cancer, your best chance of accessing the latest in precision medicine is by having significant financial resources and connections who are deeply knowledgeable about genomics.
Even then, you are still left to navigate your way through the complicated healthcare system. 

We spent a lot of time examining patient experiences, and we didn’t like what we found.

Problem #1

Access to Precision Medicine

Understanding the genetic makeup of your cancer is the first step in developing an effective precision treatment plan. Unfortunately, a majority of people have access to neither of these through their health plans.


of cancer patients who are carrying an important cancer-related genetic mutation would be missed using current clinical guidelines for genetic testing.(1)

Problem #2

Health System Navigation

Our health system is reactive and not designed to provide the compassionate 1:1 support required to successfully navigate a complex illness like cancer. This leaves patients feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and confused – not a good starting point when trying to organize an avalanche of appointments and information, or managing finances and making difficult treatment decisions.


Using cancer support services can lower cancer-related medical costs by about 10%.(2)

Problem #3

Lack of Health Literacy

Understanding medical and genomics jargon and being able to make informed health decisions can be difficult. People with poor health literacy have a 22% increase in all-cause mortality. Getting accurate, up-to-date information about your particular cancer can be overwhelming.(4)


1 in 3 people have poor health literacy, leading to higher mortality.(3)

It's time to reimagine critical illness & life insurance to manage health and longevity.

As of 1/1/25, healthŌme has changed its name to Kadance. Learn more at